We both got accepted into MIT as of last night! The wait was long, but it's over now. Hopefully we will have more time to get some work done on The Elements and the UAV now.
Happy holidays everyone!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
DestinyCloudFist Risk
Because of the lack of a good Risk game for Android, Ryan and I decided to take it upon ourselves to hack out a functional one ASAP. We started about 5 days ago and so far have a skeleton of the Activities set up and are just about getting into the game-play itself. Since we've never dealt with AI before, that part may be a bit of a challenge, but we're setting Feb 1 as our deadline for non-AI gameplay.
We decided to call our Risk game DestinyCloudFist in reference to a hilariously-named Starcraft strategy. Our Google Code page can be found at http://code.google.com/p/destinycloudfist/.
As always, if you have any advice, admonitions, compliments or threats, email them to idkjava@gmail.com!
We decided to call our Risk game DestinyCloudFist in reference to a hilariously-named Starcraft strategy. Our Google Code page can be found at http://code.google.com/p/destinycloudfist/.
As always, if you have any advice, admonitions, compliments or threats, email them to idkjava@gmail.com!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
So we'd thought we'd update you on what we've been doing so far. We've been fairly busy, but the UAV has made progress; we've been putting it together and working a bit on the programming side. Here are some pictures from our work.

Cool picture of the wing
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
College stuff done!
Hi Everyone,
Gurtej and I are finally done with our college applications! This means that pretty soon we should be pumping out updates again. Currently there's a coding competition called CodeChef that Gurtej and I(Ryan) are participating in so it might be about a week before the first update comes out, but we promise it is coming!
On another topic, if you happen to be a college admissions officer looking for the site that Gurtej and I have been working on, the website is up at (ISP doesn't let incoming port 80 through). The source code of this page is up now as well at! All of the pages, including PHP code are up, with the only change being removing the password/user names in PHP.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
College Applications almost done!
Hi Everyone,
Sorry for the lack of updates for such a long time. Gurtej and I(Ryan) have been pretty busy the last few months with college applications and schoolwork. Starting soon, we will be returning to all of our Android programming and new updates will be flowing out!
Sorry for the lack of updates for such a long time. Gurtej and I(Ryan) have been pretty busy the last few months with college applications and schoolwork. Starting soon, we will be returning to all of our Android programming and new updates will be flowing out!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Money for a Server
We plan to add a save feature to The Elements soon. This would hopefully allow everyone to upload something like 3 saves for others to browse and load. However, currently our server is just a patched together laptop sitting in my (Gurtej's) basement. It is neither a dedicated server nor fast. Ideally we would like to buy a computer that we can use as a dedicated server. Unfortunately, we lack the funds. Thus, we are calling upon you to buy the Falling Sandpaper app (think of it as a donate version of our app with a free gift!) and donate through the button here in our blog to raise the money we need. Once we get enough money together, hopefully we can find a decent server and buy it, or at least rent space in one. Please, help us out so that we can continue to improve this app!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Falling Sand Live Wallpaper
A few of you may have noticed that recently, we released a second application to the market called "Falling Sand Live Wallpaper." It is essentially a live wallpaper of our application, "The Elements."
There are a few known bugs.
-It does not work on the official 2.2 update for the Nexus One.
-When tested on a custom 2.2 Nexus One ROM, it caused slowdown on the phone. This did not happen on 2.1 Droid.
We hope you will purchase this app to support us!
-IDKJava Team
Update 4.0 / 4.1
Recently, we released two updates to our application, 4.00 and 4.10.
4.00 Added custom elements, fixed an explosion bug ( which in turn caused another bug), and added mud.
4.10 Was primarily bug fixes, the specifics of which can be found on the Google Code Site.
-IDKJava Team
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Open Source!
Both Gurtej and I are huge opensource supporters. We both use Ubuntu Linux as our main OS on our computer, and use Android on our phones. We proud to say that as of yesterday, our project, The Elements, has been opensourced! You can now find the project here, on Google Code. This means that now everyone can see and use the code we have written for The Elements. The only thing we ask is that if you port it to a closed system (iPhone, Windows), please make the application a paid app. On open systems (Android, Linux), please make it a free app. Thanks!
If you want to contribute, there are a few things that we need. First off, if someone who is knowledgeable in C/Java wants to help make our code neater and more organized we definitely need that. There are a number of tasks that I have in mind if any other programmers want to help as well. If you are skilled in art, we need someone to make a better icon, buttons for the main menu, an eraser button for the UI, and a better background for loading screen and main page.
If you're not skilled in programming or art, we also have a few things there as well. The most useful thing is reporting bugs, and testing. When you report bugs, try to post the exact steps to follow to reproduce the bug if possible. Bugs with vague descriptions such as: "It crashes sometimes when C4 is used" are not very helpful since they are hard to reproduce and determine exactly what is the problem. A better bug report would be: "When I place C4 on the bottom left edge of the screen in zoomed mode, and then place magma along the upper left edge, when the two react and the C4 explodes, the game crashes without a force close button." That allows us to look into the problem and place debug calls to find out what is happening.
Another thing we need is people to write out information for our game. We need people to fill the wiki, make a better help page for the game, and help translate the game. Anything else you can think of to help would be great as well!
-IDKJava Team
Monday, June 28, 2010
UAV: Update 1
We've made big plans again! This time we're going to be working on building a UAV (Unmanned Air Vehicle) over the summer, desgined to drop water balloons on pre-programmed GPS coordinates. So far, we have ordered several servos, the Arduino Duemilanove board, brushless motors, and lots of different propellers. We're pouring the meager profits we made from ads in our Elements app into buying these parts, though we're still in the red unfortunately!
We are currently in the design stage. We have so far decided to use a balsa frame with cellophane covering (we'll see how that goes and maybe try something else). We're going to order the balsa pieces precut, which means we had to design the entire plane first. To achieve this end, we are using SketchUp 7. Here is one of our beautiful preliminary designs:

As you can see, the nose still needs to be designed. In addition, we need to finish modelling the ailerons and put them into this file. We will continue to document our progress, with as many videos and pictures as possible, and maybe at the end we can write up a tutorial for how we did it (assuming we actually succeed!)
Monday, June 21, 2010
ICFP 2010
After taking part in Google's Code Jam and the more recent IPSC, which was an abject failure, we found another coding competition: ICFP. ICFP ran for 72 hours this weekend, from 8AM Friday to 8 AM Monday (EST). We worked on it for a total of about 12 hours each, because things like eating, swim practice, family chores, sleep, etc, got in the way. We competed under the team name of IDKJava as usual, and we were very hopeful going into it, and pretty satisfied, but a little annoyed coming out. If you want to take a look at the problem which we were trying to tackle, here is the task description.
The results were that with five minutes left of the contest, we were two digits away from getting the key prefix (a total of 17 digits) and we knew how to fix it. Unfortunately, we ended up finishing several minutes after the end. We are disappointed that we were not able to finish in time, but we were pretty proud of what we were able to do, because the problem was really challenging, and if not for a few stupid mistakes, we would have submitted a working circuit for the first car, which would have gotten us more than 0.000 points, and bumped us into the top ~200. If you want to know what we did each day, and more of the technical details, read on.
The results were that with five minutes left of the contest, we were two digits away from getting the key prefix (a total of 17 digits) and we knew how to fix it. Unfortunately, we ended up finishing several minutes after the end. We are disappointed that we were not able to finish in time, but we were pretty proud of what we were able to do, because the problem was really challenging, and if not for a few stupid mistakes, we would have submitted a working circuit for the first car, which would have gotten us more than 0.000 points, and bumped us into the top ~200. If you want to know what we did each day, and more of the technical details, read on.
The circuit that we ultimately designed to output the correct key prefix was:
Basically, it has gates in a row, connected to each successive gate with backward wires. The input thus moves down the chain one gate every click. By changing which outputs connected to the next gate and by adding in gates that were connected by forward wires we were able to modify the output to achieve the key prefix that we needed to submit in order to get past the first car.
Unfortunately, this technique was realized late Sunday night, and it was not until the next morning when Ryan woke up and explained it better that we were able to finish the circuit. If we had worked just a little bit faster, we would have been able to place in the top 200 out of ~800 which we thought was pretty impressive for competing as teenagers with no formal programming experience and a lot of things getting in the way. We're pretty sure that if we had had a little bit more time, or not had so many things conflicting with the contest, we would have been in the top 200.
A little timeline on our progress in ICFP:
The next step was building a circuit that could output that key prefix. We had experience with working with normal circuits (Gurtej had significantly more than Ryan), so the first thing we tried to do was make modules that we could use to build a circuit. We came up with a number of modules but we were still missing a clock or a counter.
The next major breakthrough was a normalizer which could take the input stream and change it into a stream of 0s. Gurtej did this by taking a basic circuit which produced 220220220220... and adding a circuit to remove the 2s.
Input Normalizer:
So we now could produce a constant stream of 0s. We also realize that we could convert that to a 2s stream pretty easily by tagging on a 0 - 2 converter (one of the modules we built earlier).
0 - 2 Converter:
We then try to get a 1s stream, which was a little bit harder, but we eventually get it. The 1s stream is never actually needed so we don't have it typed out. Ryan comes up with a way to use the 1s stream to get a stream of 210 repeating, thus a mod3 counter. We also are able to create a mod7 counter which produces 2 outputs of different combinations modulo 7 given two streams of steady 0s as input. This way, we can easily produce 17 different 3 number combinations which are unique to which click the circuit was on, which we can then feed to a truth table circuit that will produce a certain output based on each input. This was certainly possible, but we realize it would be pretty hard. Additionally, we need something that could normalize any stream, not just the input stream, and eventually get this:
1s Eliminator:
2s + 0s Stream Normalizer:
Full 0-Normalizer:
We basically only have to build a truth table circuit at this point, but we are really low on time.
Basically, it has gates in a row, connected to each successive gate with backward wires. The input thus moves down the chain one gate every click. By changing which outputs connected to the next gate and by adding in gates that were connected by forward wires we were able to modify the output to achieve the key prefix that we needed to submit in order to get past the first car.
Unfortunately, this technique was realized late Sunday night, and it was not until the next morning when Ryan woke up and explained it better that we were able to finish the circuit. If we had worked just a little bit faster, we would have been able to place in the top 200 out of ~800 which we thought was pretty impressive for competing as teenagers with no formal programming experience and a lot of things getting in the way. We're pretty sure that if we had had a little bit more time, or not had so many things conflicting with the contest, we would have been in the top 200.
A little timeline on our progress in ICFP:
8AM-Friday: Both of us are in our US History Regents. Neither of us will even read the problem until we come out.
11AM-Friday: We first read the problem, and realize how difficult this is going to be. Ryan goes home, ponders, and starts work. Gurtej has a Spanish final, so he mostly just ponders.
4PM-Friday: Both of us finally have time to work on the competition at home. We have figured out how to wire a circuit and the syntax of the circuit. We think the 19L in the sample circuit however, means "19 Lines". We also believe that the Xs (the external input/output streams) both have to be on the same gate, and that gate has to be on the bottom.
6PM-Friday: After messing around a lot, we realize we made a mistake earlier and figure out that the gate with the Xs can be anywhere on the circuit, but still think that the two Xs have to be on the same gate. We also realize the top and bottom labels are the locations of the Xs.
6 - 10 Friday: Many, many, circuits are made, lots of math and diagrams and truth tables. We document a bunch of different circuits to try to find patterns. We argue about what the wires initialize to, and what the external gate is. Both of us have different techniques for finding the truth table.
1PM Saturday: Both Gurtej and Ryan can work again, after swim practice and other things. We both get together at Gurtej's house. We spend a little bit working with circuits, then write a program to attempt to brute force the truth table. We don't realize that what we wrote won't actually work until about 2 hours later because we had been thinking of the special gate incorrectly. At this point, we decide to take a break: thank you, Modern Warfare! When we get back, we make more attempts at various stuff until we realize that we made a mistake and that the X's can be on different gates, and the problem suddenly becomes 20x easier. Within 15 minutes we know how the gates work, and develop the following truth table:
4PM-Friday: Both of us finally have time to work on the competition at home. We have figured out how to wire a circuit and the syntax of the circuit. We think the 19L in the sample circuit however, means "19 Lines". We also believe that the Xs (the external input/output streams) both have to be on the same gate, and that gate has to be on the bottom.
6PM-Friday: After messing around a lot, we realize we made a mistake earlier and figure out that the gate with the Xs can be anywhere on the circuit, but still think that the two Xs have to be on the same gate. We also realize the top and bottom labels are the locations of the Xs.
6 - 10 Friday: Many, many, circuits are made, lots of math and diagrams and truth tables. We document a bunch of different circuits to try to find patterns. We argue about what the wires initialize to, and what the external gate is. Both of us have different techniques for finding the truth table.
1PM Saturday: Both Gurtej and Ryan can work again, after swim practice and other things. We both get together at Gurtej's house. We spend a little bit working with circuits, then write a program to attempt to brute force the truth table. We don't realize that what we wrote won't actually work until about 2 hours later because we had been thinking of the special gate incorrectly. At this point, we decide to take a break: thank you, Modern Warfare! When we get back, we make more attempts at various stuff until we realize that we made a mistake and that the X's can be on different gates, and the problem suddenly becomes 20x easier. Within 15 minutes we know how the gates work, and develop the following truth table:
We were then able to get the input stream as follows 5-10m after we had the gates:
The next step was building the program to simulate the circuit. Unfortunately we still were hazy on one issue: the backwards vs forwards facing wires. We thought at the time that loopback wires were ones that were required to wait one cycle before sending input because otherwise the result would be an infinite loop that would never stabilize. Therefore, we developed a recursive algorithm that was able to label these "lag" wires. At the end of the day, we have a semi-functional program that could identify the "lag" wires based our ideas. Ryan slept over at Gurtej's house so that we could continue work the next day.
Sunday Morning: We don't make much progress besides fixing a number of special case bugs in our program. We get a little frustrated and take another break. The next major discovery comes at about 2PM when Gurtej realizes that "lag" wires were actually just those that went from higher numbered gates to lower numbered gates, and could be accounted for by simply running through the gates in order of number, rather than using a crazy recursive function to make sure gates wait for the input from any non-lag wires before computing outputs. This made our program 10x simpler and we were able to get it working perfectly in an hour (see below for the C++ source code if you're interested). This allowed us to compute the key prefix:
Sunday Morning: We don't make much progress besides fixing a number of special case bugs in our program. We get a little frustrated and take another break. The next major discovery comes at about 2PM when Gurtej realizes that "lag" wires were actually just those that went from higher numbered gates to lower numbered gates, and could be accounted for by simply running through the gates in order of number, rather than using a crazy recursive function to make sure gates wait for the input from any non-lag wires before computing outputs. This made our program 10x simpler and we were able to get it working perfectly in an hour (see below for the C++ source code if you're interested). This allowed us to compute the key prefix:
The next step was building a circuit that could output that key prefix. We had experience with working with normal circuits (Gurtej had significantly more than Ryan), so the first thing we tried to do was make modules that we could use to build a circuit. We came up with a number of modules but we were still missing a clock or a counter.
The next major breakthrough was a normalizer which could take the input stream and change it into a stream of 0s. Gurtej did this by taking a basic circuit which produced 220220220220... and adding a circuit to remove the 2s.
Input Normalizer:
So we now could produce a constant stream of 0s. We also realize that we could convert that to a 2s stream pretty easily by tagging on a 0 - 2 converter (one of the modules we built earlier).
0 - 2 Converter:
We then try to get a 1s stream, which was a little bit harder, but we eventually get it. The 1s stream is never actually needed so we don't have it typed out. Ryan comes up with a way to use the 1s stream to get a stream of 210 repeating, thus a mod3 counter. We also are able to create a mod7 counter which produces 2 outputs of different combinations modulo 7 given two streams of steady 0s as input. This way, we can easily produce 17 different 3 number combinations which are unique to which click the circuit was on, which we can then feed to a truth table circuit that will produce a certain output based on each input. This was certainly possible, but we realize it would be pretty hard. Additionally, we need something that could normalize any stream, not just the input stream, and eventually get this:
1s Eliminator:
2s + 0s Stream Normalizer:
Full 0-Normalizer:
We basically only have to build a truth table circuit at this point, but we are really low on time.
After taking a shower, Ryan realizes that the same concept that we had used for the mod7 emitter could be used to create any input stream and be controlled very easily. Unfortunately, however, he does not explain it very well to Gurtej and goes to sleep before he can implement it himself, so it is not completed.
Monday Morning: Ryan wakes up at about 7:00 and is still really tired so he calls Gurtej and explains how the circuit has to be built so Gurtej could build it. By 7:30 Gurtej understands it completely and begins working on it. He is 2 numbers away from it working at the end, but fails to fix it because he is accidentally modifying the wrong gate. The circuit is then completed by Ryan about 15 minutes after the contest ended.
Monday Morning: Ryan wakes up at about 7:00 and is still really tired so he calls Gurtej and explains how the circuit has to be built so Gurtej could build it. By 7:30 Gurtej understands it completely and begins working on it. He is 2 numbers away from it working at the end, but fails to fix it because he is accidentally modifying the wrong gate. The circuit is then completed by Ryan about 15 minutes after the contest ended.
In the end, we had a lot of fun, and we look forward to it next year. We think that we actually preformed very well despite not quite finishing in time, and had we not made some of the mistakes that we did, we would have been in the top 1/4, which is very good, considering that we are still in high school, and that this is an international open competition.
Finished simulator source code:
#define PAUSE while(cin.get() != '\n') {}
#define LEFT 0
#define RIGHT 1
using namespace std;
int input(int side, int gate);
int inputnum, inputside;
ifstream factory("factory");
int main()
ofstream outputstream("output");
int inputarray[17], outputnum, outputside, colons = 0, nodes = 1;
int* wireval;
char in;
int truthtable[3][3] =
{2, 8, 5},
{5, 0, 7},
{8, 4, 0}
//Cache the inputstream
ifstream inputstream("input");
for(int i = 0; i <>> inputarray[i];
//Run through array and get stuff
factory >> inputnum;
factory >> in;
if(in == 'L')
inputside = LEFT;
inputside = RIGHT;
while(colons <>> in;
if(in == ':')
if(in == ',')
factory >> outputnum;
factory >> in;
if(in == 'L')
outputside = LEFT;
outputside = RIGHT;
//Done running though factory...
//Create the variable sized arrays and initialize them
wireval = new int[nodes*2];
for(int i = 0; i < j =" 0;" i =" 0;" il =" input(LEFT," ir =" input(RIGHT," il ="=" out =" truthtable[inputarray[j]][wireval[ir]];" ir ="=" out =" truthtable[wireval[il]][inputarray[j]];" out =" truthtable[wireval[il]][wireval[ir]];" left ="=" right ="=" gate ="=" side ="=" nodes =" 0,">> num;
factory >> in;
factory >> in;
//Move it after the correct comma
while(nodes <>> in;
if(in == ',')
if(gate != inputnum || inputside != LEFT)
factory >> num;
factory >> in;
if(side == RIGHT)
factory >> num;
factory >> in;
if(in == 'L')
sidefinal = LEFT;
sidefinal = RIGHT;
return num*2+sidefinal;
Monday, May 24, 2010
Code Jam!
In other news: both of us competed in Google's Code Jam 2010. Code Jam is a timed programming competition, in which you are given problems and have to write code quickly to solve them. Both of us got past the Qualification Round, but we struggled in Round 1 because it was significantly shorter and we both had other events that cut into it. Not to mention, in the last sub-round, lack of sleep managed to knock out Ryan, but Gurtej progressed to the next round.
If you want to see our placements, you can view the our scores in all the rounds. Gurtej registered as "looterguf" and Ryan registered as "choochoo".
Unfortunately, neither of us would have been able to compete in the next round anyways because it conflicts with our SATs. Our next competition is going to be the International Problem Solving Competition on June 6 for which we will be a team under the name IDKJava. In the meantime, we will continue our development of our next Android app, and hopefully release more elements.
If you want to see our placements, you can view the our scores in all the rounds. Gurtej registered as "looterguf" and Ryan registered as "choochoo".
Unfortunately, neither of us would have been able to compete in the next round anyways because it conflicts with our SATs. Our next competition is going to be the International Problem Solving Competition on June 6 for which we will be a team under the name IDKJava. In the meantime, we will continue our development of our next Android app, and hopefully release more elements.
3.71: Glass
We added in Glass in this most recent update. Glass is mostly inert, but can be formed by mixing Sand and Magma, and also can be broken by nearby explosions, turning it back into more Sand.
Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, we lost our version of the code containing the removable top and bottoms and managed to break the eraser. We fixed the eraser, but as still working to fix the top and bottom. Thanks for bearing with us!
Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, we lost our version of the code containing the removable top and bottoms and managed to break the eraser. We fixed the eraser, but as still working to fix the top and bottom. Thanks for bearing with us!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Update: v3.3!
v3.3 is out! This version added two new elements: Salt and Salt Water. Briefly, here are the descriptions:
-Interacts with water to produce Salt Water
-Melts Ice
Salt Water:
-Sinks in Water, floats in Oil
-Magma and Fire cause it to turn to Steam
-When it comes into contact with Plant, the Plant "dies", turning into Sand
-Melts Ice
We thought this was a significant enough change to deserve a .1 to itself, thus we are now at 3.3! Hope y'all enjoy it! As always, feedback is appreciated. Email us at: idkjava@gmail.com!
-Interacts with water to produce Salt Water
-Melts Ice
Salt Water:
-Sinks in Water, floats in Oil
-Magma and Fire cause it to turn to Steam
-When it comes into contact with Plant, the Plant "dies", turning into Sand
-Melts Ice
We thought this was a significant enough change to deserve a .1 to itself, thus we are now at 3.3! Hope y'all enjoy it! As always, feedback is appreciated. Email us at: idkjava@gmail.com!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
We love you guys!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Update: v3.2
Both of us, the developers, have spring break this week. We decided to set a goal of 3 new elements over the course of this week, and this update takes us 2/3 of the way to that goal. In this update, we added in two new elements: Acid and Steam. Acid eats it's way through every material except Wall and Water. Steam is the gaseous form of water, forming when water encounters Fire or Magma. Steam also condenses back into water over time. Hopefully these two elements will add a whole new dimension to the game. Meanwhile, we are brainstorming what other elements to add, and all suggestions are welcome! Simply email us at idkjava@gmail.com with your suggestion, and we will try to work it into the master plan!
Update: v3.1.3
The last update, v3.1.2, attempted to fix the generator bug; However, it turns out that it didn't completely eliminate it. This version fully fixed that bug, but didn't change anything else, so we only gave it a .1 increase. Hopefully those of you who were running into issues with this bug have them solved now. We hope you continue to enjoy our app!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Update: v3.1.1 & v3.1.2
Our latest two updates, 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, included a few minor bug fixes. The first update fixed a bug in which the game would crash whenever a generator touching an edge was activated. The second update reduced the lag time in the menu, so that it didn't take a few clicks until the Play Game button functioned. As always, email us at idkjava@gmail.com with feedback!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Update 3.1
We recently released an update, version 3.10. The update added:
-wind: still experimental, probably will rename dragger or something else in future. It can be used to throw sand and such places, not very useful right now though.
Bug fix: The top of the screen now has an invisible wall like the other 3 sides, useful for accelerometer control
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Update: 3.00
This update changed the name from "Element Works" to "Reactions" and changed the icon as well. We felt like the icon was a bit boring and decided to change the name with it. Any feedback on these changes are welcome. Two new elements were also added to the update.
-Fuse: Like plant except it doesn't grow with water.
-Destructible Wall: Like wall, but can be melted by magma. It also can be turned to sand with the use of explosives.
Hope you like the update!
-IDK Java Team
-Fuse: Like plant except it doesn't grow with water.
-Destructible Wall: Like wall, but can be melted by magma. It also can be turned to sand with the use of explosives.
Hope you like the update!
-IDK Java Team
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Update: 2.50
A new update was just released on the android market with a few changes and bug fixes. Sorry we didn't get an update out for awhile there, we had a few other things on our hands that we had to work on first.
-Added Accelerometer control option in preferences
-Added bug fix for eraser (now correctly de-selects after selecting an element)
-Added ad on the main menu. Please check these out, we like revenue.
-Added Accelerometer control option in preferences
-Added bug fix for eraser (now correctly de-selects after selecting an element)
-Added ad on the main menu. Please check these out, we like revenue.
Monday, February 22, 2010
BUG FIX: v1.87
We recently released an update which seemed to have a massive bug for phones running 1.6. We apologize for the fact that it wasn't fixed for several days because both of us were out of town and didn't get a chance to work on it, so we took it off the market until we could fix it. Yesterday we got together and released an update that should have fixed the bug. Please let us know if you are still having issues after the update, and we'll try to fix it ASAP.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Sorry! Our app is down for a bit...
We recently released two updates: 1.85 + 1.86 that seemed to work on the droid but didn't work on some other phones. Because of this, we had to temporarily unpublish our app to avoid other people getting the faulty update. Hopefully we'll have this fixed soon.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Update: v1.85 + v1.86
v1.85 was created in response to a user comment suggesting that the UI be optional. We quickly modified the code and released with the new changes, however there were a few bugs.
v1.86 fixed the following bugs from 1.85: Eraser was missing in non-ui mode. UI preference was not saved and often needed to be toggled twice.
However, we still have a bug with it crashing on some phones (not Droid) which we are working to fix. Please be patient!
v1.86 fixed the following bugs from 1.85: Eraser was missing in non-ui mode. UI preference was not saved and often needed to be toggled twice.
However, we still have a bug with it crashing on some phones (not Droid) which we are working to fix. Please be patient!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Update: v1.8
v1.8 is out! Only one thing was changed in this update: the UI. We did our best to make this into a much more user-friendly app, and hopefully we succeeded. In this latest update, we added in two bars, one on top of the screen, and one below.
On the top, most of the options that used to reside in the options menu are now in the forms of buttons above. The buttons in order are: Eraser(toggle), Play/Pause(toggle), Save, Load, Load Demo, and Exit. The first two buttons are labelled toggle because they alternate between two states. In the case of the Eraser button, it starts of deselected, but when you press it, it gets highlighted in red, and the current element is switched to an eraser. When you press it again, it goes back to deselected and your previous element becomes the current one again. The Play/Pause button toggles between being in Play mode and Pause mode, with the button showing what mode it will go to when you click it. The other buttons are pretty straight-forward.
On the bottom, there is one button and a slider next to it. The button has a palette symbol and functions as the new element picker. The slider is the new brush size picker, allowing you to easily change the size without having to go into the menu every time you wanted to make a slight change.
Even though most of the options were taken out of the options menu, a few were left, namely: Clear Screen, Toggle Size, and Preferences. The one change we made to this part was that for each of these that were left, we added in icons to just make it look nice!
Hopefully you will enjoy these new features! If you have any comments, suggestions, complaints, or just praise, send us an email: idkjava@gmail.com
On the top, most of the options that used to reside in the options menu are now in the forms of buttons above. The buttons in order are: Eraser(toggle), Play/Pause(toggle), Save, Load, Load Demo, and Exit. The first two buttons are labelled toggle because they alternate between two states. In the case of the Eraser button, it starts of deselected, but when you press it, it gets highlighted in red, and the current element is switched to an eraser. When you press it again, it goes back to deselected and your previous element becomes the current one again. The Play/Pause button toggles between being in Play mode and Pause mode, with the button showing what mode it will go to when you click it. The other buttons are pretty straight-forward.
On the bottom, there is one button and a slider next to it. The button has a palette symbol and functions as the new element picker. The slider is the new brush size picker, allowing you to easily change the size without having to go into the menu every time you wanted to make a slight change.
Even though most of the options were taken out of the options menu, a few were left, namely: Clear Screen, Toggle Size, and Preferences. The one change we made to this part was that for each of these that were left, we added in icons to just make it look nice!
Hopefully you will enjoy these new features! If you have any comments, suggestions, complaints, or just praise, send us an email: idkjava@gmail.com
Monday, February 15, 2010
4 Stars!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
1.6 Release
A new update has just been released to the android market: Element Works Beta, version 1.6. This update contained:
New Elements:
-Preference Screen, background can now be changed to either white or black
Bug Fix:
-Screen can now be flipped in preferences. This will make the game draw on many 2.0 ROMs for the G1 that had issues before, and may fix drawing for the HTC Tattoo as well (EDIT: confirmed).
New Elements:
-Preference Screen, background can now be changed to either white or black
Bug Fix:
-Screen can now be flipped in preferences. This will make the game draw on many 2.0 ROMs for the G1 that had issues before, and may fix drawing for the HTC Tattoo as well (EDIT: confirmed).
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
v1.5.5 is out!!
Our most recent update, v1.5.5, was published last night! In this version we:
-Made Oil lighter so that it is easier to see against the background
-Made toggling size not clear the screen
-Made pressing Home and then going back into the app not clear the screen
Because this update did not include much, we felt that it did not deserve a whole version to itself, so we named it 1.5.5, because we plan on making a full update next week (v1.6) with added elements with many new functions! We just wanted to get out what we had so far after making our breakthrough with solving the clearing screen issue (that one took us a while). Hope y'all enjoy it!
Send us Feedback please!!
-Made Oil lighter so that it is easier to see against the background
-Made toggling size not clear the screen
-Made pressing Home and then going back into the app not clear the screen
Because this update did not include much, we felt that it did not deserve a whole version to itself, so we named it 1.5.5, because we plan on making a full update next week (v1.6) with added elements with many new functions! We just wanted to get out what we had so far after making our breakthrough with solving the clearing screen issue (that one took us a while). Hope y'all enjoy it!
Send us Feedback please!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
1.5 Released
Last Sunday, we released the 1.5 update to the Android Market and forgot to update the blog. The update contained oil, made ice a stationary element, and changed the movement of liquids. Various minor bug fixes were also included. Tomorrow we hope to update with a fix for the reset issue when switching to another application and coming back.
-IDKJava Team
-IDKJava Team
Saturday, January 9, 2010
1.4 Released
Alpha 2, Version 1.4 has been released on both the android market and the SlideME market.
-Ice freezes water slower
-Fire has longer lifetime
-Fixed reset on screen blackout
-Added one slot save/load
-Added exit button
-Increased generation of particles by generator element
-Fixed landscape mode on high resolution screens (Droid,Nexus One)
Planned features for next update:
-New element: Oil
-Possibly change ice to stationary instead of falling
-More save game slots
-Ice freezes water slower
-Fire has longer lifetime
-Fixed reset on screen blackout
-Added one slot save/load
-Added exit button
-Increased generation of particles by generator element
-Fixed landscape mode on high resolution screens (Droid,Nexus One)
Planned features for next update:
-New element: Oil
-Possibly change ice to stationary instead of falling
-More save game slots
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Update: v1.3 is out!
Our New Year's Resolution was to work more on programming and get more updates out, and we have succeeded so far! This is the second update of the new year, we hope you enjoy it!
New in this update:
-Added Generator
Our new element is called Generator. It is very similar to the element "Clone" in the Powder Game. Basically, when a particle collides with it, it is "set" to that particle. Then it will randomly produce that particle in nearby empty spaces. It also sets all the Generators around it, so a line of Generators will usually all be set to the same element, unless two elements were set at different points on the line at roughly the same time. We hope Generator will exponentially increase the complexity and enjoyment of our game!
As always, enjoy and send us feedback via email!!
New in this update:
-Added Generator
Our new element is called Generator. It is very similar to the element "Clone" in the Powder Game. Basically, when a particle collides with it, it is "set" to that particle. Then it will randomly produce that particle in nearby empty spaces. It also sets all the Generators around it, so a line of Generators will usually all be set to the same element, unless two elements were set at different points on the line at roughly the same time. We hope Generator will exponentially increase the complexity and enjoyment of our game!
As always, enjoy and send us feedback via email!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Update: v1.2 is out!
We managed to get another update out! This update added in the element ice and fixed a bug when a fire particle hit the top.
Enjoy, and as always, we want feedback!!
Enjoy, and as always, we want feedback!!
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